Did you know?

To date, 116,000 STOLPERSTEINE have been laid in over 1,860 municipalities in 31 European countries, most of them in Germany. This makes the art memorial the largest decentralized memorial in the world.

The most STOLPERSTEINE were produced in 2024. Our 7 designers have handcrafted almost 6,000 stones – hammering letter by letter into the brass plate, folding the brass plate, and then casting it in concrete.

Gunter Demnig still travels to most first installations and many other installations in his red van; he covers around 50,000 kilometers annually.

Over 30 years ago, the art memorial started with one person: the artist Gunter Demnig, who had the idea. He is now supported by a team of 15 people.

If all our STOLPERSTEIN initiators and supporters wanted to meet in person, the 74,475 seats in Berlin's Olympic Stadium would not be enough.